ThinkTech ICT LAB Inauguration at Dronacharya College


Dronacharya PG College of Education inaugurated the new ICT Lab named “THINK-TECH” on 12th Feb, 2024. Ribbon cutting ceremony was performed by BCA 1st year girls named Mannan and Riya. After that Managing Director, Sh. G.S. Pathania and Executive Director, Dr. B.S. Pathania presented the flower pot to the SWAT Club and SCA President of the college. HoD-CS, Mr. Rajesh Singh Rana gave the welcome speech and motivated the student to learn skills and utilize the Think-Tech Lab for shaping their future. He also added that student must use this ICT Lab responsibly. Principal, Dr. Parveen Kumar Sharma and HoD-B.Ed., Sh. Sumit Sharma enlightened the student with their speech and told student to rese their time wisely. Assistant Professor, Mr. Sharad Verma told the students about the Rules & Regulations to be followed by them while using the ThinkTech Lab. HoD-BBA, Mr. Mukesh Sharma, all staff members of BCA and students were present while the inauguration ceremony.


ThinkTech ICT LAB Inauguration @ Dronacharya College