Online National Maths Day on 22nd Dec,2020

                                                                                            National Maths Day 2020
“Nothing in this world can be created without the knowledge of mathematics.”
Dronacharya PG College of Education, Rait had successfully organized the Virtual Webinar on “National Mathematics Day 2020” under the theme “Power of Vedic Mathematics for Competitive Edge”. The webinar begin with the Lamp Lighting ceremony which is done by Dr. B.S Bagh, Principal, Dr. Parveen Sharma, Vice Principal, Mr. Rajesh Singh Rana, HOD-BCA, Mr. Mukesh Sharma, HOD-BBA and all staff members of M.Ed, B.Ed, BBA and BCA Dept.
Dr. Ashwani Kumar, Assistant Professor, DPGCE, Rait was the Chief resource person for this webinar. He explained the importance of Vedic Maths in competitive exams for students as well as in our day to day life. In the start of webinar students of BBA & BCA, Aakash and Sakshi shared the valuable work of Honorable –Sh. Srinivasa Ramanujan in the field of Mathematics. At the end of Webinar Respected Dr. B.S. Pathania, Executive Director, DPGCE, Rait, pays tribute to the legendary Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. Mr. G.S Pathania, Managing Director, Dr. B.S Pathania, Executive Director, Dr. B.S Bagh, Principal and all staff members of B.Ed, M.Ed, BBA, BCA and PGDCA were participated online in this virtual Webinar.
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