Two Day National Webinar On National Education Policy - 2020 on 29th & 30th Oct ,2020

                                                       National Webinar On National Education Policy – 2020
Day 1 Session :-
Dronacharya PG College of Education, Rait, Kangra (H.P.) has organized a Two-Day National Webinar on ‘National Education Policy 2020: A Holistic Roadmap for the Transformation of Educational Landscape’ in association with GGDSD College, Rajpur (Palampur) and in collaboration with MGNCRE, Deptt. of Higher Education Ministry of Education, Govt. of India on 29thOctober, 2020.Programme was commenced with lighting of lamp to Goddess Saraswati. The Chief Guest of Inaugural session on 29th October, 2020 was Hon’ble Dr. Sikander Kumar, Vice-Chancellor, HPU Shimla . The Chief Guest congratulated to Dronacharya College for organizing this webinar and throw a light on National Education Policy 2020.The keynote speaker of the webinar was Dr. Yogendra Verma, Former Vice-Chancellor of CUHP. Dr. B.S. Pathania, Executive Director, welcomed the Chief Guest, Keynote Speaker, Chairperson of first technical session Dr.N.N.Sharma, Principal Govt. College Jawali and to all the participants.
In the first session, Dr. Rozy Bansal, Assistant Professor, GSSDGS Khalsa College Panjab presented her views on “Impact of Transforming System”. Shruti, Research Scholar, Kerala University, presented her views on “Role of Higher Education in National Education Policy 2020”. Dr. Lakshmisha A.S., Principal, LD and SBS College, Sagra, Karnataka share his thoughts on “Challenge and Way Forward New Education Policy 2020”. Dr. Poonam Devi, HOD, M.Ed., Dronacharya College explained her ideas on the topic “NEP 2020: Quality issues in Internationalization of Education”. P.Bala Murlidhar, Assistant Professor, Mathematics Department, Prabhat Kumar College Kotnai, West Bengal presented his views on the topic “A Revolutionary Transformation in Higher System”. Vitika Mahajan, Assistant Professor, Dronacharya College shared her ideas on “Financing Affordable and Quality Education for all and Dr. Inderjit Singh, Assistant Professor, Govt. College Indora presented his views on “Visualization of Indian NEP 2020.”
At the end of the session, Chairperson Dr. N.N.Sharma, Principal Govt. College Jawali and Resource person Dr. Shatrughan Bhardwaj, Regional Coordinator, MGNCRE, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India cleared the doubts of participants. Assistant Professor Sumit Sharma thanked to all the speakers.
Prof. Arvind Jha, Dean School of School Education B.B. Lucknow was the Chairperson of the second session. Associate Professor Dr.Parveen Kumar Sharma was the Resource person of the second session. Manam, Shrinivaslu, Andhra Pradesh explained about the challenges and implementation of New Education Policy 2020. Amit Sharma, Assistant Professor, Govt. College Baroh explained about the challenges that will be faced in the implementation of New Education Policy 2020 in Himachal Pradesh. He also told about the empowerment of teacher education. Dr. Ashwani Kumar shared his views on Holistic and Multidisciplinary Education.
At the end of the Day 1 session, Panel Discussion was held and queries were sorted out.
Day 2 Session :-
Dronacharya PG College of Education, Rait, Kangra (H.P.) organized a Two-Day National Webinar on ‘National Education Policy 2020: A Holistic Roadmap for the Transformation of Educational Landscape’ in association with GGDSD College, Rajpur (Palampur) and in collaboration with MGNCRE, Dept. of Higher Education Ministry of Education, Govt. of India on 29th and 30th October, 2020. On the second day of two day national webinar (30th October, 2020) programme commenced with the lighting of lamp ceremony. The second day of Webinar and Technical Session-3 was initiated by Asst. Prof. Anish Korla. Prof. (Dr.) Manoj Saxena, School of Education, CUHP was the Chairperson and Dr. Ritu Bakshi, Department of Education Studies, CU Jammu was the resource person of Technical Session-3. Both distinguished personalities shared their valuable thoughts on vision of National Education Policy 2020.
In the third technical session, Dr. Vivek Kumar Sharma, GGDSD College, Executive Director, Raipur presented his views on the topic “Higher Education Ideas vs. Reality”. Asst. Prof. Meenakshi Sharma, Dronacharya College shared her views on ” National Education Policy 2020: School Education”. Asst. Prof. Anita Chandel, Dronacharya College presented her paper on “Professional and Vocational Education”. Priyajit Ray, Research Scholar, University of Calcutta shared her ideas on ” Implementation of the NEP 2020: Problems and Prospects of Futuristic Education in India”. R. Jayabharathi Reddy, Research Scholar, Dravidian University explained about “Major Reforms of NEP 2020″. Anurag Bhardwaj, Law Department, DU discussed about “Achieving School Education through Safe Food”. Anjali and Aditya Asija, PhD Scholar, Mandi Govindgarh presented their research paper on “Significance of Language in NEP 2020″. Assistant Professor K.R.Padma, Department of Biotechnology, Sri Padmavati Mahila Vishwavidyalyam (Women) University Tirupati shared her views on NEP 2020: Strategies to improve learning process”. R.Sreedevi Reddy, Research Scholar, Dravidian University, Andhra Pradesh shared her thoughts on “Major Reforms of NEP and Role of teacher”. Resource person Dr. Ritu Bakshi Department of Education Studies, CU Jammu focused on localization of educational opportunities. Dr. Suman Sharma, GGDSD College Rajput thanked Chairperson and Resource person. Concluding remarks for the technical session-3 was delivered by Chairperson Prof. (Dr.) Manoj Saxena. The theme of the Panel Discussion was NEP 2020, “Horizons”. implementation of successful strategies plan of NEP 2020. The esteemed panelists for the session were Prof. Yogendra Verma, Former Vice Chancellor, CUHP, Dr. W.G.Prasanna Kumar, Chairman, MGNCRE, MHRD India, Dr. Suresh Kumar Soni, Chairman, HPBOSE, and Prof. (Dr.) Nain Singh, Chairman, Department of Education, HPU Shimla. The esteemed panelists answered relevant queries related to successful implementation of NEP 2020. Asst. Prof. Mukesh kumar, HOD BBA presented the proceedings of the two day national webinar. Hon’ble Education Minister of Himachal Pradesh, “Shree. Govind Singh Thakur” was the Chief Guest of Valedictory Session. The Keynote speaker of the valedictory was Chairman Dr. Sunil Gupta, State Higher Education Council, Himachal Pradesh. In his address Dr. Sunil Gupta suggested the college to send the significant suggestions of the two day national webinar to State Higher Education Council, Himachal Pradesh. Dr.B.S.Pathania (Webinar Director), Executive Director, Dronacharya College welcomed the chief guest. Assistant Professor Sachin Pagrotra proposed vote of thanks to the Chief Guest Hon’ble Education Minister Govind Singh Thakur, Chairman Dr. Sunil Gupta State Higher Education Council, Himachal Pradesh and all the participants for making this event a successful one. During these two days national webinar more than 2000+ participants joined through various platforms likes of Zoom, YouTube Channel and Facebook media. During the two-day webinar for about 26 presenters presented their research papers through online mode of presentation.