"PRARAMBH"- Installation Ceremony 2023–24 for the Rotaract Club of Dronacharya.


Installation Ceremony 2023–24 for the Rotaract Club of Dronacharya

On August 19, 2023, Dronacharya PG College of Education, Rait, played host to the Installation Ceremony Programme 2023–24 (PRARAMBH) for the Rotaract Club of Dronacharya. All the dignitaries were invited to the lamp lighting by the program’s stage host, Rtr. Nandan Kumar, RTN. Ashwani Dhiman Sir, the president of the Rotary Club of Shahpur, attended this occasion as the chief guest. Nishul Sood of DRR RTR was the installing officer. (RID 3070) PDRR RTR. RITESH WALIA and RTR. SPARSH RAI are the honorees. RTN. RTR. SAHIL CHITTRA is a special guest.In the course of the occasion, Aditya Rana was appointed ROTARACT CLUB DRONACHARYA’s President. All Rotaractors are inspired by the chief guest DRR. Nishul Sood, who also explains how Rotaract functions. Ashwani Kumar Dhiman, a deserving Chief Guest from the Rotary Club of Shahpur, also spoke to the youngsters how Rotaractors contributed to society by serving.Aakash Basoa, a former president, and DRR. Ritesh Walia also discussed their experiences as Rotaractors and provided insightful commentary on how Rotaract clubs benefit society’s citizens.Finally, Rtr. Atul Rana and all the Rotaractors gave a vote of thanks to the Managing Director, Sh. Gandharav Singh Pathania, and the Executive Director, Dr. Balbinder Singh Pathania, as well as to everyone else who helped make today’s event a success.

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