"Pariksha Pe Charcha" for BCA 2nd Sem Students

A guest lecture on how to set yourself up for success from “Pariksha Pe Charcha”: On June 16, 2023, the BCA (Department of Computer Science) of the Dronacharya Pg College of Education, Rait, hosted a seminar on overcoming test nervousness and anxiety.Under the direction of BCA 2nd SEM Class Incharge (Asst. Prof. Atul Rana), the Guest Lecture was organised.Dr. B.S. Pathania served as the event’s honorary chief guest.Asst. Prof. Atul Rana gave a welcome message. There were also additional faculty members and the department’s HOD, Mr. Rajesh Rana.In his interactions with the BCA 2nd semester students, Dr. B.S. Pathania sir provided advice on how to manage test stress.The students are also given some exam-related advice by Assistant Professors Ranjan Choudhary and Gulvinder Singh, and the HOD offers advice on how to brighten the students’ futures. Build courage and confidence by engaging in regular exercise and meditation, said Sir.Stress and anxiety will be lessened as a result.On behalf of the computer science department, Asst. Prof. Anish Korla expressed gratitude to all the attendees, the esteemed teachers, and our esteemed B.S. Pathania.

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