Section A: Name: The Club shall be known by the name “ECO CLUB”.
Section B: Affiliation: This club shall be affiliated to Dronacharya College of Education & Ocean Society, Rait.
Section C: Objectives:
- . To motivate the students to keep their surroundings neat, clean and green.
- To celebrate environment related days.
- To organize cleanliness drive in the nearby villages
- To educate the students as well as to the community about reuse of waste material
- To organize tree plantation programs
- To organize awareness programs such as quiz, essay, painting competitions, rallies, nukkad nataks etc. regarding various environmental concerns.
- To sensitize the students to minimize the use of plastic bags, not to throw them in public places as they choke drains and sewers, causes water logging and provide breeding for mosquitoes
- To motivate the students to keep their surroundings green and clean
- A poster making competition entitled “Renewable Energy”
- Members to acquire process and share knowledge on the subject. The main objective of the energy club is to drive home the message of energy conservation and environment.
Section A: Eligibility
- Membership in the club shall be open to all students of Dronacharya College.
- There will be 20 /25 members in this club Any student can become member of Eco club and energy club .the priority will be given who has acted as NSS/NCC or any social organization .The Eco club will be composed of any interested students attending Dronacharya Eco club
- Eligibility for membership shall not be restricted on the basis of race, sex, color, age, religion, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, physical or mental handicap.
Section B : Dues
Ordinary Member
- Subscription for ordinary members shall be Rs. 50.
Lifetime Member
- One time subscription for life time members shall be Rs. 200.
Honorary Member
One time subscription for honorary members shall be Rs. 1000.
Section A: Governing Body – The governing body shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. They must be regular students.
Section B: Eligibility – To be eligible for office, candidates must be regularly enrolled students who are full-time students, & have specific skills related to the position, good communication etc.
Section C: Nomination – Nomination forms will be circulated among interested students 2 days before the meeting. the filled form will be scrutinized by eco club
Section D: Election – President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer will be selected /elected on the basis of interview and voting as and when required.
Governing Body will be elected after one month of completion of admission process every year
Section E: Term –. The governing body shall serve for one year and their term of governing body shall begin at the commencement of the first semester every year.
Section F: Vacancy –If a vacancy occurs in the governing body of President, the Vice-President shall assume the office for the remainder of the term and vacancies in any other office shall be filled by the choice of ECO Club Co-ordinator.
Section E: Removal –. Governing body members may be removed from office by a 2/3 vote of active members in the club.
- A request for removal of governing body member must be submitted in writing to the president; this request can be submitted by any active member of the club. If a member/officer is requesting to remove the president, the request for removal letter may be submitted to the vice president.
- The governing body receiving the removal request will then contact the member in question for removal and explain the situation to them. The member requesting removal will remain confidential through this process. The president after consultation with the coordinator or advisor of the club shall forward the case to principal for the arbitration or necessary action.
Section A: President – it shall be the duty of the President to:
- Preside at meetings.
- Vote only in case of tie.
- Dissemination of information regarding meeting and organization of events.
- Delegation of task and assignment to other members.
- Preparation of the activity report.
- To act as a leader for execution of various events / tasks.
Section B: Vice-President – It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to:
- Preside in the absence of the President.
- Serve as chairperson of the Program Committee as and when required.
Section C: Secretary – It shall be the duty of the Secretary to:
- Record the minutes of all meetings
- Keep a file of the club’s records
- Maintain a current roster of membership
- Issue notices of meetings and conduct the general correspondence of the club
Section D: Treasurer – It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to:
- Receive all funds and maintain income / expenditure register.
- Keep an itemized account of all receipts and expenditures and make reports as directed.
- To deposit cash in the bank and maintain records of all transactions.
Section A: Annual General Meeting – shall be held soon after the commencement of the 1st session every year.
Section B: Governing Body Meeting –At least 3 meetings may be conducted in a academic year.
Section C: Special Meeting– may be called as and when required for both governing and general body.
Section D: Quorum – A quorum shall consist of 2/3 of all active members. An active member shall be identified as any member who has paid dues except honorary and life time members.
Section A: This club shall be funded through the following means:
- Membership collection– Membership fee collected from the newly joint members of the committee.
- College funding– College Provides resource for various environment activities performed under Eco
- Fund raising events – For the special events funds shall be collected from students, management and stakeholder.
- Financial resources may be gained through the use of
- fundraisers,
- donations,
- ocean society of the college
Section B: All money transactions must be approved by Eco club Coordinator, President, Vice President, Secretary.
Section A: Selection – There shall be a faculty member who will act as an advisor or coordinator of the Eco Club.
Section B: Duties / Responsibilities – The responsibilities of the faculty advisor shall be :
- To help in organizing various activities and programs sponsored by the student club.
- To meet on a regular basis with the leader of the student club to discuss upcoming meetings, long-range plans, goals, and problems of the club.
- To attend regular meetings, executive board meetings as often as schedule allows.
- To Explain and clarify campus policy and procedures that apply to the club.
- To help in making the activity report and assist the club treasurer in monitoring expenditures, fundraising activities, and to maintain an accurate and upto-date account ledger / register.
- The organization shall have the following standing committees
A Energy Club ( 2 members )
B cleanliness committee( 2 members )
C Plantation drive committee( 2 members )
Section A: Notice for Amendment– A notice must be served to all the members for any amendments in the constitution and bylaws at least three days before the meeting for amendment.
Section B: – The bylaws can be amended through 2/3 majority of the general body in meeting by a vote, approved by the coordinator and principal.