Dronacharya PG College of Education, Rait

Course Evaluation: BCA

Thank you for taking the time to fill in our online feedback form. By providing us your feedback, you are helping us understand what we do well and what improvements we need to implement.

Select Session*

Select Class*

Select Subject*

Parameters :*

Very Good Good Satisfied Unsatisfied
Depth of the course content including project work, assignment etc.
Extent of coverage of course
Applicability/ relevance of course content to real life situation
Learning value (in terms of knowledge, concepts, manual skills ,analytical abilities and broadening perspectives)
Clarity and relevance of textual reading material 5
Relevance of additional source material (Library) and lab
Extent of effort required by students
Overall rating

Feel free to add any other comments or suggestions:(Optional)

* The information given within the Feedback Form will be used for course improvement only and are strictly confidential.